SWOT Analysis

By admin
  • $0.00 Free
https://artofedu.com.tr/en/courses/swot-analysis-en/ SWOT Analysis
  • $0.00 Free
Training Content

- Is SWOT analysis necessary?
- What are my strengths?
- Am I aware of my weaknesses?
- What do I see as threats?
- Can I see opportunities?
- Game event
- Case Study application

The Key to Strategic Success

Know Your Strengths - Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

The key to strategic success is knowing strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats and the ability to act accordingly.

By recognizing our own strengths and abilities and using them in the best way, our chances of gaining a competitive advantage in business life increase.

In this training, manage your right choices and plans successfully by discovering yourself with the Individual Application of the SWOT Technique.


     7 Achievements              90 Minutes            Game - Case Study


For Detailed Information!


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