Effective Note Taking – Cornell Technique

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  • $0.00 Free
https://artofedu.com.tr/en/courses/effective-note-taking-en/ Effective Note Taking – Cornell Technique
  • $0.00 Free
Training Content

- Taking notes is a must
- The place of taking notes in communication
- Effective note-taking skills
- Clear and memorable notes
- Personalized note taking
- Reminder features
- Game Event
- Case Study application

Useful Notes Are Here

How to Take Clear Notes?

The palest ink is stronger than the sharpest memory. We help save taking notes from being a tiring process.

Get the most out of your meetings, trainings or studies. Bring past conversations and readings into the present.

In this training, we experience the Cornell Technique together in fun, understandable and effective note-taking.


     8 Achievements              90 Minutes            Game - Case Study


For Detailed Information!


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