Breaking the Ice

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  • $0.00 Free Breaking the Ice
  • $0.00 Free
Training Content

- Icebreakers to meet
- New team-forming icebreakers
- Team communication icebreakers
- Ice breakers for brainstorming
- Gamification activity
- Case Study application

Communication in Business

Break the Ice, Build Relationships, Learn Together

Break the Ice so that new members of the team do not feel lonely and overwhelmed, they can establish relationships with their friends and learn the corporate culture.

Build rapport, strengthen your communication, and overcome challenges as a team with icebreaker methods.

In this training, we reinforce Ice Breaker methods with gamification and case studies and provide you with effective communication practicality.


     6 Achievements              100 Minutes            Game - Case Study


For Detailed Information!

  • Enrolled 0