I Can’t Hold the Time – Time Management

By admin
  • $0.00 Free
https://artofedu.com.tr/en/courses/i-cant-hold-the-time-en/ I Can’t Hold the Time – Time Management
  • $0.00 Free
Training Content

- Time management
- Planning your time
- Time discipline
- A planned and orderly life
- Minimizing oversights
- Game event
- Case Study application

Don't Race With Time, Plan It

The Heart of Success in Business and Private Life; Time

Time management is a skill that allows you to use time effectively and efficiently.

Time spent efficiently helps a person determine goals, prioritize and plan time.

You can easily create your own time management program that you can use in both your business and private life, using the techniques in this training.


     7 Achievements              90 Minutes            Game - Case Study


For Detailed Information!


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